The following are some useful high school chemistry links both for teachers and students! If you find any broken links in the following then please let us know.

Physics Guided Inquiry Lesson Plans!
Physics guided inquiry lessons similar to the
chemistry ones on this site!
Fun links:
- Kaboom: an online PBS Nova site describing the anatomy of fireworks. This site also describes the involvement of different elements in pyrotechnics. With information about demolition of buildings and detonating military explosives, students are sure to be interested in this site.
- Dihydrogen Monoxide: This site is a funny site. It describes the dangers of "dihydrogen monoxide"-H2O! Using technical, scientific jargon combined with a very professional and thorough website, you can play a joke on your students. The "punchline" of the joke is that if you know a little chemistry (i.e.-that dihydrogen monoxide is water) you can save yourself from getting tricked and from being embarrassed.
- The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project: This site describes many fun experiments that have been done on a familiar snack food, Twinkies! There are even some experiments that students can do themselves.
- The National Mole Day Foundation: A classic chemistry site. Who can teach chemistry and not celebrate Mole Day with their students?
- The Delights of Chemistry: 40 spectacular chemistry demonstrations. Some are very complex and probably wouldn't be done in the high school lab. However, there are some great videos and animations of the demonstrations online!
- Demonstration Lab: An excellent site from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry department. Many, many demonstrations. This site does not have directions for performing the demonstration, but it has the source so you can find it yourself.
- Science is Fun: The master of chemical demonstrations, Professor Shakhashiri, has an excellent site on demonstrations. Some are great for students to try at home as a "take-home demonstration assignment".
Experiments At Home:
- Do Science: Many activities that can be done at home. A good resource if you would like to have your students do "take-home" labs.
- Home Experiments: An excellent site for some labs that students can do at home. Fun!
- Kitchen Chemistry: From PBS for kids. A great site that allows kids to do experiments virtually online or in reality in their own kitchen. At the end they can submit their results for a "reward". Perhaps a little below high school level, but fun to take a look.
General Web Resources
Helpful for students
- WebElements: The best periodic table on the Internet. Lots of data and pictures of every element. Wonderful information about what each and every element is used for!
- Scientific Calculator for Chemists
- ChemMystery: This site contains a virtual textbook! It may not be very interesting for students since they already have their own, but it is a nice supplement and there is nothing like it on the Internet.
- ChemTutor: This is a very comprehensive site that contains the most important information for chemistry students. There are nice, concise summaries of information that might "make it click" for students who need an additional explanation.
Helpful for Teachers (and interesting for students too!)
- How Stuff Works: A huge site that explains the scientific principles that are often behind everyday things. An excellent site to quickly find real-world examples for your students.
- The Catalyst: A collection of useful information for secondary high school teachers.